
The focus is on a professional and integrationist working attitude. The way in which the Rade Beschichtungstechnik GmbH presents itself, offers its products and services and deal with its customers result in the image (the reputation) of the Rade Beschichtungstechnik GmbH.
The rules of conduct help us to strengthen our reputation and to create clarity in regard to the way in which we interact with one another and would like to be perceived as a company within the society.

These rules of conduct are also the driving force behind our vision of our employees and our company. Based on the following principle: We value all of our employees.
We encourage the development of all of our employees and focus on achieving results. We try to inspire each other and enable us to realize our mission and strategy. Each of us can make a decisive contribution to realizing our strategy.

Respect and behaviour

We treat each other openly, honestly and respectfully. We work together professionally, respectfully and on an equal footing, regardless of our position. We adhere to resolutions that have been taken.
We refrain from any form of undesirable behaviour towards colleagues. Undesired behaviour is understood to mean any behaviour in which the personal integrity of the other is violated.

Handling of information

We handle information carefully, both in internal and external communication. We understand that some information’s are strictly confidential, but also that some information´s must be public or must be published in accordance with the law, internal guidelines and company regulations.

Secrecy and data protection

We do not disclose any technical, financial, operational or other information / data without approval. We do not make any data or information available to third parties if we know or reasonably assume that confidentiality or secrecy is required. We handle the personal data of employees carefully.
We only use sensitive or useful information, data or operational knowledge that we acquire through our work to meet our responsibilities. We do these at all times in accordance with the law, our internal guidelines and company regulation

Company property

We carefully handle the company property that are made available to us and are responsible for their correct use and care. We adhere to the guidelines regarding the use of the internet, email, social media, telephone and company or leasing vehicles.
We never leave assets or data unattended and we take steps to prevent theft or loss. We report damage or loss of equipment or data to the supervisor immediately.

Other parties

We are careful in our dealings with other parties and do everything we can to ensure an independent position and avoid conflicts of interest. We are service-oriented towards our customers.
In our communication and in dealing with other parties, we act objectively, transparently, service-oriented, factually and in a clear and balanced manner.
Contracts that we conclude are understandable and verifiable and are concluded on the basis of the applicable procedures and regulations.
We do not differentiate between group companies or other market parties.

Preferential treatment

We are impartial and no party in the market receives preferential treatment from us.
We observe compliance with legal and cultural framework conditions, as well as legally compliant and ethically impeccable behaviour.

Gifts and benefits

To avoid conflicts of interest, we do not accept gifts or invitations in exchange for something in return. We inform our supervisor when we are offered gifts or invitations.

Lawful management

We take note of all applicable European and national laws and regulations and adhere to them, as well as all internal guidelines and instructions.

Safety at work

We protect our employees of hazards and impairments in their daily work. Workplaces and work environments should be designed ergonomically and safely in order to prevent possible hazards in the long term. High occupational safety is an integral part of our corporate goals.
Our company undertakes to comply with the relevant work safety legislation, regulations and permits.


Our company has developed into responsibility for environmental protection legislation, rights and privileges. In general, we go beyond the limits of the economical use of resources, such as energy, raw materials, water, etc. To be environmentally friendly is an associated goal of our corporate management. We keep environmental pollution such as waste, sewage, emissions and noise as low as possible.


In the event of a violation of the code of conduct, the management will impose sanctions. A code of conduct that is not enforced will not be taken seriously for long. Violations are recorded in functional and appraisal interviews. Disciplinary action can be taken in the event of serious violations.


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Rade Beschichtungstechnik GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
D-23617 Stockelsdorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 451- 29 62 100
Telefax: +49 (0) 451- 29 62 1010
E-Mail:   service[a]